Checkpoints for shop floor management
Shop Floor Check Points: 1. Operators : Check all operators working in the shop should be as per Skill Matrix. Also check their skill level as per required level for the job. 2. Operation Standard : Check that the OPS/WI should be available on each machine & easy to view, read & in local language ( Hindi,Marathi etc.) 3. Limit Samples: Check that the Limit Sample should be available of each parts & also check expiry date of limit samples. 4 . Set up Approval: Check that set up approval done of each machine with sign,date & approval report. Also keep the sample on machine at defined location for the shift. 5 . Red Bins: Check that red bin should be available on each machine. Also check red marking is done on NG parts lying in the red bin. 6 . Material Location & Identification: All parts ( RM, WIP & FG) s...