5S Management
5S are the five pillers supporting a system for improvement in the company. The purpose of 5S activities is to improve the organisation cleanliness & orderliness to world class level for achieving excellence in operation management. Sorting out ( Seiri) : Segregate between wanted & unwanted things. Then remove the unwanted things from the shopfloor. Systematic arrangement ( Seiton) : To make place for everything & everything in its place. Anything should be found within 30 sec. Shine ( Seiso) : Everything should be clean in the Shopfloor. No any dust & dirt found on anything. Standardization ( Seiketsu) : It is a method to maintain above three activities. Make rules, work instructions,SOP & check sheets to follow above activities. Self Descipline ( Shitsuke) : It means to make a habit to continuously maintain all activities as per standard, procedures etc. The first four pillars can be implemented without difficulty if the wor...