
Showing posts from June, 2020


Basic Principle of Safety Management Safety takes priority over everything else. All industrial accidents are preventable. Safety is everyone responsibility. Safety takes priority over everything else : On earth, there is nothing more precious than human life. Basis of all corporate activities are Employees. First priority must be given to safety to employees at anytime. So first priority is given always to human life ! No good work without safety work environment. No good quality without good work. No productivity improvement without good quality.     There is no difference between superior & subordinate in respect of assuring safety. There is no any situation where superiors are allowed to take unsafe actions. Whoever takes unsafe action, everyone should point out & give warning at the spot. All industrial accidents are preventable: By examining the accidents already happened, it is proved that the accidents could be prevented if company took necessary actio...

Abnormal Situations in shopfloor

Abnormal Situation:                                  Abnormal situations are the situations when condition of 4M resources is abnormal means not as normal.We have take some actions as defined below: 

5S Management

5S are the five pillers supporting a system for improvement in the company. The purpose of 5S activities is to improve the organisation cleanliness & orderliness to world class level for achieving excellence in operation management. Sorting out ( Seiri)  :  Segregate between wanted & unwanted things. Then remove the unwanted things from the shopfloor. Systematic arrangement ( Seiton)  : To make place for everything & everything in its place. Anything should be found within 30 sec. Shine ( Seiso)  : Everything should be clean in the Shopfloor. No any dust & dirt found on anything. Standardization ( Seiketsu)  : It is a method to maintain above three activities. Make rules, work instructions,SOP & check sheets to follow above activities. Self Descipline ( Shitsuke)  : It means to make a habit to continuously maintain all activities as per standard, procedures etc. The first four pillars can be implemented without difficulty if the wor...

Checkpoints for shop floor management

Shop Floor Check Points: 1. Operators :     Check all operators working in the shop should be as per Skill Matrix. Also check their skill level as per required level for the job. 2. Operation Standard :       Check that the OPS/WI  should be available on each machine & easy to view, read & in local language ( Hindi,Marathi etc.) 3.  Limit Samples:         Check that the Limit Sample should be available of each parts & also check expiry date of  limit samples. 4 .  Set up Approval:      Check that set up approval done of each machine with sign,date & approval report. Also keep  the sample on machine at defined location for the shift. 5 .  Red Bins:       Check that red bin should be available on each machine. Also check red marking is done on NG parts lying in the red bin. 6 . Material Location & Identification:      All parts ( RM, WIP & FG) s...